Amazon Services


  • EC2 Virtual Private Servers

  • Lightsail Amazon’s hosting provider (vps, dns, storage)

  • Lambda Functions you can run, written in Python, NodeJS, Go etc. Can run many in parallel.

  • Batch Run software jobs on EC2 machines

  • Elastic Beanstalk Run software on managed virtual machines

  • Serverless Application Repository Repository of serverless applications that you can deploy (on lambda)

  • AWS Outposts Run Amazon services in your own data center

  • EC2 Image Builder Create EC2 (ami?) images automatically


  • S3 File storage. Not directly used for mounting, but you can directly download files from HTTP.

  • EFS NFS. Mount network disks to your machines.

  • FSx Windows / Lustre filesystems you can connect to your ec2 machines

  • S3 Glacier Low cost storage system for backups and archives and such

  • Storage Gateway iSCSI so you can connect s3 to your own (remote) machine.

  • AWS Backup Automatically create backups of different AWS service (ec2, rds etc)


  • RDS Managed mysql, postgres databases etc.

  • DynamoDB Large & scalable non-relational database

  • ElastiCache Managed memcache and redis machines

  • Neptune Graph database

  • Amazon Redshift Warehousing. Store lots of data that can be processed through streams.

  • Amazon QLDB Database for immutable and cryptographically verifiable data (money transactions etc)

  • Amazon DocumentDB MongoDB clone (but not really compatible anymore)

  • Amazon Keyspaces Managed Apache Cassandra clone

Migration & Transfer

  • AS Migration Hub Migrate things from your DC to AWS

  • Application Discovery Service Discover services in your datacenter

  • Database Migration Service Migrate databases to RDS while staying online (can convert structures as well)

  • Server Migration Service Migrate virtual machines to amazon.

  • AWS Transfer Family (s)FTP service with S3 backend. Upload to FTP, directly store on S3 bucket.

  • Snowball Get a machine from AWS, plug in your DC, transfer data fast to AWS, return machine

  • DataSync Sync data between your datacenter and AWS

Networking & Content Delivery

  • VPC Create your own virtual private network within AWS.

  • CloudFront Content Delivery Network.

  • Route 53 Manage domain names and records.

  • API Gateway Create HTTP APIs and let them connect to different backends.

  • Direct Connect Create a (physical) connection between you (or DC) to AWS.

  • AWS App Mesh Automatically run Envoy as a sidecar for your containers (ECS or EKS).

  • AWS Cloud Map Service discovery for your containers.

  • Global Accelerator Run your app on edge locations so they are closer to your customers (CDN for apps).

Developer Tools

  • CodeStar Quickly develop applications by using template code and codecommit, codebuild etc

  • CodeCommit Amazon source repositories (git repo’s etc)

  • CodeBuild CI service

  • CodeDeploy Deployment service

  • CodePipeline Code delivery with workflows

  • Cloud9 Online IDE

  • X-Ray Allows tracing in your applications, supports Python, NodeJs, Go etc.


  • AWS RoboMaker Cloud solution for robotic developers to simulate, test and securely deploy robotic applications

Customer Enablement

  • AWS IQ Job board: Hire AWS experts for whatever you need.

  • Support AWS support center

  • Managed Services Let AWS handle your AWS services for you.


  • Amazon Managed Blockchain Block chains


  • Ground Station Satellites as a service

Quantum Technologies

  • Amazon Braket Some quantum thing. It’s in preview so I have no idea what it is.

Management & Governance

  • AWS Organizations Configure (sub)organisations and accounts

  • CloudWatch Logging from various AWS components

  • AWS Auto Scaling Scale resources based on your custom inputs and rules

  • CloudFormation Templates to create and configure AWS components (think terraform/sls)

  • CloudTrail Figure out who did what in your AWS services

  • Config Audit the configurations of your AWS resources

  • OpsWorks Use Ansible to automate stuff

  • Service Catalog Manage list of items/codes etc you have in the cloud

  • Systems Manager View data from your resources grouped in ways you like (like application specific etc)

  • AWS AppConfig Store and publish application configuration data

  • Trusted Advisor Checks your account for issues (costs, performance, security etc)

  • Control Tower Manage multi-accounts

  • AWS License Manager Manage licenses

  • AWS Well-Architected Tool Generate questionnaires about your architecture to see if you follow best practices

  • Personal Health Dashboard StatusPage for AWS

  • AWS Chatbot Connect AWS to slack

  • Launch Wizard Deploy MSSQL or SAP

  • AWS Compute Optimizer Finds your resources and advices on how to save costs

Media Services

  • Elastic Transcoder Encode files from S3 into different other formats and store back at S3

  • Kinesis Video Streams Capture media streams

  • MediaConnect ?

  • MediaConvert Convert media into different formats

  • MediaLive Share live video with many others

  • MediaPackage ?

  • MediaStore ?

  • MediaTailor Insert advertisements into your broadcasts

  • Elemental Appliances & Software create videos on-premise. Basically a mix of all of the above services. Seems expensive. Probably is.

Machine Learning

  • Amazon SageMaker Machine learning tools

  • Amazon CodeGuru Profile java code with machine learning

  • Amazon Comprehend Understand and classify data like emails, tweets etc

  • Amazon Forecast Create forecasts from data

  • Amazon Fraud Detector in preview so no idea.

  • Amazon Kendra Search service where you can ask questions

  • Amazon Lex Create voice and chatbots

  • Amazon Machine Learning Deprecated. Use SageMaker instead.

  • Amazon Personalize Create personalized recommendations based on data (mahout??)

  • Amazon Polly Convert text to speech in different languages

  • Amazon Rekognition Recognize objects and people in images

  • Amazon Textract Convert text found in images to text (OCR)

  • Amazon Transcribe Convert audio to text

  • Amazon Translate Translates text from one language to another

  • AWS DeepLens A video camera that does machine learning

  • AWS DeepRacer Some kind of game where you program a racecar to race against others.

  • Amazon Augmented AI Let humans in the loop to make AI learn things better

  • AWS DeepComposer Computer generated music. It’s as horrible as it sounds.


  • Athena Query data stored in s3 buckets.

  • EMR Elastic Map/Reduce

  • CloudSearch AWS version of managed document search system (like elasticsearch)

  • Elasticsearch Service Elasticsearch as a service

  • Kinesis Collect massive amount of data so you can do analytics (like ELK?)

  • QuickSight Business Intelligence service

  • Data Pipeline Move and transform data to dynamodb, rds, s3 etc.

  • AWS Data Exchange Find APIs which data you can consume, which can be very expensive

  • AWS Glue ETL service. Enrich, validate data.

  • AWS Lake Formation Create data lakes

  • MSK Kafka as a service

Security, Identity, & Compliance

  • IAM AWS’s permission system that can control users and AWS services.

  • Resource Access Manager Share certain AWS resources like Route53, licenses, ec2 with other accounts.

  • Cognito User and password management system. Useful for managing users for your applications.

  • Secrets Manager Secrets key/value store. Can automatically rotate secrets.

  • GuardDuty Automatically scan your cloudtrail/vpc logs for threats.

  • Inspector Automatically find (security) issues in your network and machines.

  • Amazon Macie Analyzes data in your S3 buckets and check for PII data.

  • AWS Single Sign-On Allow single-sign on to your applications.

  • Certificate Manager Manage and even create (free) SSL certificates.

  • Key Management Service Manage secret keys

  • CloudHSM Hardware security modules. Allows you to generate and operate on cryptographic keys.

  • Directory Service Active directory as a service

  • WAF & Shield Web Application Firewall (for loadbalancers, cloudfront, api gateway). Can setup your own rules or use predefined ones

  • AWS Firewall Manager Firewall manager for different accounts in your organisation

  • Artifact Documents for cloud compliance (things like 27001 certification etc)

  • Security Hub Overall security checker that uses guardduty, inspector, macie etc

  • Detective Log security issues found (from security hub etc)


  • AWS Amplify Let AWS automatically generate frontend & backend apps and deploy them automatically.

Mobile Hub Part of AWS Amplify now.

  • AWS AppSync Create API backends that you can connect to. Can be created through AWS Amplify as well.

  • Device Farm AWS BrowserStack. Automatically test apps on many different mobile devices and browsers.


  • Amazon Sumerian No idea. The dashboard crashes in my browsers

Application Integration

  • Step Functions State machines written in amazon’s own language

  • Amazon AppFlow Automatically connects apps together (zapier?). For instance: slack to s3 buckets.

  • Amazon EventBridge Some kind of eventbus system

  • Amazon MQ ActiveMQ

  • Simple Notification Service Notification system that can notify through email, api endpoints, sms etc.

  • Simple Queue Service Message queue system

  • SWF Create workflows.

AWS Cost Management

  • AWS Cost Explorer Gives an overview and projection of your budgets

  • AWS Budgets Create budgets for your AWS components

  • AWS Marketplace Subscriptions Find (and buy) AMI’s with software installed

Customer Engagement

  • Amazon Connect AWS version of ZenDesk

  • Pinpoint Create transactional emails, SMS or voice calls based on templates.

  • Simple Email Service Send out emails. Email provider.

Business Applications

  • Alexa for Business Connect Alexa to your business needs.

  • Amazon Chime AWS version of Zoom.

  • WorkMail AWS version of Gmail / Calendar.

End User Computing

  • WorkSpaces Virtual desktops from Windows or Linux.

  • AppStream 2.0 Stream applications running native onto your browser

  • WorkDocs Store your documents and manage them online.

  • WorkLink Connect mobile users to your intranet.

Internet Of Things

  • IoT Core Manage fleets of IOT devices through MQTT broker

  • FreeRTOS RTOS operating system for microcontrollers to automatically connect to IOT-Core or greengrass.

  • IoT 1-Click Manage 1-click buttons that can be connected to other systems like Lambda

  • IoT Analytics Clean up and save messages from topics into a data-store for analytics

  • IoT Device Defender Detect unwanted issues on your devices and take actions

  • IoT Device Management Organize IoT devices into groups, schedule jobs on the devices and configure remote access

  • IoT Events Monitor telemetry from devices and then trigger other AWS services or jobs on the devices themselves

  • IoT Greengrass A message broker can buffer messages for groups of up to 200 devices which can communicate and process data locally if connectivity to IoT Core is intermittent.

  • IoT SiteWise ?

  • IoT Things Graph Cloudformation-like designer for graphing how devices should communicate with other AWS services

Game Development

  • Amazon GameLift Deploy game servers with low latency on AWS


  • Elastic Container Registry Store docker images like on DockerHub

  • Elastic Container Service Run containers, either on your own EC2 machines, or on managed machines called FarGate.

  • Elastic Kubernetes Service Kubernetes as a service

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Last updated